After Hours Phone Answering Service
With our after hours phone answering service your business is always open. Every call and business opportunity will be captured 24/7. Our friendly USA based customer service experts are an affordable and scalable solution to bring your business to the next level.
Go Home and Relax
An after hours call answering service allows you to capture every business opportunity at a fraction of the cost to hiring a full time employee. A lot of our clients have a receptionist during regular business hours, but their business gets tons of phone calls after they close that end up going to voicemail. A missed call is a missed business opportunity, and by having a friendly live voice answer every call 24/7 you can maximize your sales.
People hate going to voicemail. In fact 85% of people hang up on voicemail. Nowadays your customers expect to be able to talk to a live person 24/7. We are the perfect solution because as your staff heads home at the end of the day, LiveVoice takes over by providing world class customer support.
LiveVoice is always open and helps our clients provide exceptional service at all hours of the night. Our after hours phone answering service is here to partner with your business so you can go home and relax. When you use an after hours call answering service, you can have more time to spend time on the things that matter most to you.
You can test out LiveVoice right away by clicking on our free trial button and filling out some basic information all risk-free. One of our experienced account managers will call you soon after signing up for your free trial and go through the details of your business requirements.
Do I Need An After Hours Answering Service?
If you have a dedicated person or team to answer your phones during the day, and your call volume is not too great, you may not have a consistent need for a live answering service during the day. But delivering the same level of customer support after hours can be a challenge.
If you are in a competitive industry and receive a lot of phone calls on a daily basis, an after hours answering service is essential. In a lot of industries people tend to get a lot of calls at night and must have a solution in place to satisfy their customers.